cretinism are
Two proposals for leisure ...
MIL Cretins: A wise and cunning mosaic
Ventura Pons repeats the formula that gave him so well in 1995 with Why the things: the adaptation of the surreal Monzó stories.
The film, which premiered in Madrid in one room and virtually no advertising, and launch simplistic and discrediting critics, at least I've read, "I found more interesting: it has wonderful moments, such as Opening with the transvestite father, the other two parents with residence, in Jordi Bosch wonderful son conflict acclaimed writer / writer novel, the evil of the holder or the impressive recital of Julieta Serrano on one of his best roles - and see that it's hard! -; the historical gags of the second hand, with a touch of Monty Python in the revisions of classics such as William Tell, Robin Hood - Santi Millán! - or, best of all, Sleeping Beauty, twice, but especially the handsome and pompous Joel Joan, now President of the Film Academy of Catalonia ... and many more.
Incidentally, the guy in the photo, on which we asked in a previous post was, yes, CANDIDATE number one Roger Berrueza ... which is like a pan.
MIL cretins. D. Ventura Pons on Summary of assistants. Aleix Albareda, Toni Albà Carol Badillo, Daphnis Balduz, Roger Battle, Roger Berrueza, Joan Borras, Jordi Bosch, Peter Brass, Ariadna Cabrol Cardoner Nile, Marc Clotet, Mercè Comes, Joan Crosas, Aida Flix, Joel Joan, Martin Miller , Santi Millán, Carmen Molina, Francisco Ear, Montse Pérez, Pau Poch, Roger Prince, Ramon Pujol, Oscar Rabadan, Mingo Rafols, Alice Roy, Clara Segura, Julieta Serrano, Eduardo Soto, Elena Tarrats, Mar Ulldemolins, Peter Vives Newey. View Cines Verdi, Madrid . MINE
VAGANTI : have something to say
Ventura is a director to rely on, forever. And address the issue it is, overlooks the gay sensibility that we like ... as happens to Ferzan Ozpetek, who has long been a guarantee of good Italian commercial cinema. Mine vaganti - I have something to say on the card is a comedy English-round, full of surprises and hilarious gags, somewhat along the lines of In & Out Kevin Kline star in . In the evocative cast shines our beloved West Eden, Riccardo Scamarcio. Do not miss it! Mine
vaganti . D. Ferzan Ozpetek. Riccardo Scamarcio, Nicole Grimaud, Alessandro Preziosi. View Renoir Cuatro Caminos, Madrid .
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